Talking About Optometry For Kids

Talking About Optometry For Kids

Glasses Sliding Down Your Nose? Try These Fixes

Amelia Dunn

Are you tired of having your glasses slide down your face whenever you look towards the ground? Having to constantly push them back up can be frustrating. Luckily, there are a couple of things you can do to fix this problem without having to purchase new glasses.

Apply wax to the inside of your nose pieces.

There are products made specifically for preventing your glasses from sliding down your face. They come in tubes similar to those used for chapstick. You just rub the waxy product onto the nose pieces of your glasses. The wax provides a little grip, so your glasses don't slide down so easily. You may need to re-apply the wax once a day or so to ensure it keeps working. If your glasses are really loose, however, the wax alone may not be enough to stop them from sliding.

Adjust the nose pieces.

It might be that the nose pieces on your glasses are simply placed too far apart to grip your nose effectively. You can usually fix this yourself. Hold your glasses with the ear pieces facing away from you. Grab onto one of the nose pieces, and gently ease it closer towards the center of the glasses. Then, repeat this step with the other nose piece. Make sure you're pushing on the metal part of the nose piece rather than on the plastic or rubber pad. Try the glasses on. If the nose pieces still feel loose, push them into the center a little more.

Bend the ear pieces.

If you've waxed and adjusted the nose pieces with no success, you may need to adjust the ear pieces of your glasses. If you have really nice, expensive glasses, you may want to leave this to a professional so you don't risk breaking them. But with cheaper glasses that you can afford to replace should the worst happen, it's often worth taking a chance. Hold the ear piece in front of a space heater for a little while to warm it. This will make it more flexible. Then, apply pressure to try to bend the end of the ear piece further back so it loops around your ear more fully.

If your glasses still slide off your face, your best bet may be to buy a new pair in a different size. Visit your eye doctor's office to have your measurements taken. When your new frames arrive, they can also adjust them for you to ensure they fit properly. For more information, contact a professional in your area or visit a website like


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Talking About Optometry For Kids

Hi there, I am MacKenzie. Welcome. I am happy to help you all learn how to take your kids to the optometrist. Kids are sometimes afraid of the equipment at the optometrist’s office. They may not know how to follow the instructions and shy away from the interactions with the optometrist. Fortunately, I am here to help you talk your kids through the process. I would like to talk about the optometry equipment and techniques used by optometrists to check your child’s vision. I hope you will visit my site often to learn more about this interesting field. Thank you.