Talking About Optometry For Kids

Talking About Optometry For Kids

Natural Pain Relief Options For Eye Strain Headaches

Amelia Dunn

Do you suffer from headaches on a regular basis? If you often feel aching pain in behind your eyes, you could be suffering from headaches due to eyestrain. Eyestrain happens when you essentially overuse your eyes on any given day, particularly if you are looking at a screen for long periods of time. These headaches are often relieved with over-the-counter pain medication. If you are not one for taking medication, there are some alternatives you can try:

Reduce Time in Front of a Screen

If you are dealing with eyestrain headaches due to looking at a screen, you should be sure to reduce the amount of time you are using your eyes in this way. Try to schedule some breaks throughout the day to help give the eyes a break. When you are not looking at the screen, try to sit your head back in your chair with your eyes closed. This will help ease your pain tremendously.

Use a Cold Compress

Another really helpful and natural way to deal with headaches stemming from the eyes is to use a cold compress. A cold washcloth or ice pack applied to the temples and forehead will be very soothing for a headache. Allow the compress to sit on the area until you begin to feel some relief.


A lack of hydration is one of the biggest causes of headaches, even those that are caused by the eyes. In order to get enough water in during the day, you should invest in a large water bottle that you can refill. You can also hydrate by eating foods high in water content, such as melon, celery, or fish.

Have Some Caffeine

A headache can often be healed by a bit of caffeine. A small cup of coffee or tea can often do the trick when you are feeling a headache coming on. However, be sure to avoid taking in too much caffeine. If you have too much, it can actually cause a headache.

Dealing with regular eyestrain headaches can be very frustrating. If you have daily headaches or have them more than a couple times a week, it is best to visit an eye doctor like Webster Eye Care. He or she can help you get to the bottom of the problem. You may need to be fitted for glasses or get a stronger prescription if you already have glasses. Be sure to tell the doctor what causes your eyestrain headaches so they can properly diagnose the problem.


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Talking About Optometry For Kids

Hi there, I am MacKenzie. Welcome. I am happy to help you all learn how to take your kids to the optometrist. Kids are sometimes afraid of the equipment at the optometrist’s office. They may not know how to follow the instructions and shy away from the interactions with the optometrist. Fortunately, I am here to help you talk your kids through the process. I would like to talk about the optometry equipment and techniques used by optometrists to check your child’s vision. I hope you will visit my site often to learn more about this interesting field. Thank you.